Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hidden salt in food - a health risk to children

Parents are risking the health of their kids by inadvertently feeding them with foods containing high salt content, a new study has found.

According to the study, carried out by the Consensus Action on Salt and Health in Britain, the parents are actually not aware of the hidden salt content in popular foods and the dangers of eating them.

The researchers have found that foods regularly eaten by children, such as some pizzas and burgers, contain over one gm of salt per serving -- almost a third of the recommended daily limit for four to six-year-olds.

The study has also revealed that many sweet foods have high salt content, but few parents are aware of this.

"Keeping children's salt consumption below the recommended maximum limits is vital. Research shows that children who eat higher salt diets have higher blood pressure than children who eat less salt.

"It's also well established that blood pressure tracks into adulthood, with the risk of developing heart disease as well as stroke.

"Too much salt is also linked with stomach cancer, osteoporosis and can aggravate the symptoms of asthma," the British media quoted Chairman of the Consensus Action on Salt and Health Graham MacGregor as saying.

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