Monday, March 10, 2008

A Better Life Ahead - Panic Disorder Treatment

You can have a better tomorrow. Effective Panic Disorder Treatment is available. The use of medication is the first choice for many, but not for me. After spending time researching this topic (someone I love and care for suffers with Panic Disorder) I have found out that medication and cognitive therapy are both effective but cognitive therapy has no ugly side effects (it rebuilds instead of covering). It seems logical to me that the way I think and perceive things creates a physical and chemical response in my body. I would rather attempt to correct the problem at the source. I am not a doctor; this is strictly my own opinion and observation. First Observation

Now what I have noticed is that Panic Disorder and the Panic Attacks associated are a direct response to what we think. If I think angry thoughts, I usually respond with anger. If I think fearful thoughts I am experiencing fear. My mind doesn’t know if what I am thinking is the correct, true, or really going to happen. It just says “Richard is going to cross that bridge ahead and its old, weak and traffic is heavy. There is a good chance I won’t make it across alive. “I’m getting out of here, Now!!!” The Panic Response is triggered. An unnecessary physical and chemical reaction has occurred.

Second Observation

Repetition of any function becomes automatic over a relatively short period of time. It is just like any other function we expose ourselves to, we become better at it. When I first started typing, I was really bad but it didn’t take long to pick it up by repetitive use. Now I am fairly good at it and don’t have to think where the keys are positioned (I just type). Like most examples, they fall short of reality. The typing example shows how repetition creates the desired response but in the “Failing Bridge” example there is the thinking habit and also a sort of chemical habit developed. By daily repeating the same thoughts I can unknowingly create a reflex reaction in my brain. I can have myself a Panic Attack every day on autopilot. All this on a perfectly good bridge.

Final Observation

This is the foundation for Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks but this foundation can be rebuilt. An easy, inexpensive Panic Disorder Treatment is available to everyone. The same process that got you sick can be utilized to start over and can be done in a relatively short period of time. Here is where we all (I mean All) have trouble with in our daily lives. We all tend to be reinforced with negative destructive thinking. It is everywhere today, and it is so easy to pick it up. This is where we can dig down and deny those harmful thoughts and responses access to our daily lives one by one. We can replace them with true, optimistic, hopeful and life-giving thoughts. Over time the old mental and chemical reflex is replaced with a new one. You will now have full power to be free from anything that is working against you in life. Fear, panic, depression, anger, low self esteem will diminish and loose its life-draining power forever.

If feeding your mind with good mental thoughts to retrain mind and body for anything life throws at you are your determined goal. You can begin with a “Success Conditioning Audio Program” tailored to you.

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