Monday, March 10, 2008

Effective Anxiety Treatment

Treating the symptoms

When considering an effective anxiety treatment, you can find many different treatments and combinations of treatments. Addressing all aspects of treating anxiety disorders is a difficult and complex task. In most people’s research they never get past treating the symptoms with medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, and herbal remedies. Although some have achieved positive results with these treatments, knowing more about the cause of the disorder will be of greater help to accomplishing an effective anxiety treatment. One that is complete and long lasting.

Get to the Source

The source of anxiety disorders has been linked to a specific portion of the brain called the “amygdala”. This walnut sized portion of the brain plays an important role in anxiety and fear. It is also the place where we can begin our recovery. It is found in the anterior portion of the temporal lobes of our brain. The “amygdala” is a part of the brain that specializes in reacting to stimuli and triggering a response. The unscientific name for the response would be described as the “emotion of fear”. Having this organ and the ability for this type of response is very important to everyone. It is letting us know to flee from danger. It is there for our survival and protection.

How the Problems Begin

It is believed that hyperactivity of the “amygdala” can cause the debilitating problems associated with anxiety disorders (Panic Attacks, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, Agoraphobia and others). Simply put, it is like a switch that is turned on so much that the organ is taught a new behavior. Over time, it causes us to live in a persistent heightened state of anxiety.

Your Best Life Yet

To achieve an effective anxiety treatment, we have to begin at the source. Science suggests that the source is the “amygdala”. There are new treatments available that don’t require medication to reverse the activity of this organ. With implementation and determination you can quickly and permanently eliminate the hyperactive condition of the “amygdala”.

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